First Row Left to Right
- Helen Schwab
- Kathy Mallory
Peter Bronson
- Danny Wright
- John Stuart
Bob Cohen
- David Haber
Steve Piaza
Larry Chamow
Janice Pagano
Joni Miller
Mrs. Williams, Principal
2nd Row L-R
Mrs. McClosky, Vice Principal
Mrs. Lucille Flanders
- Ricky Milland
- Belinda Zerg
- Melinda Woodrich
- Pam Bridgers
- Debbie Singer
- Susan Hahn
- Bob See
- Jeff Himelfarb
- Susan Treiger
Mr. Angelo Provenzano
3rd Row L-R
- Judy Spivack
- Janet Chapman
- Pam Penrod
- David Skorton
- Shirley Cook
- David Crawford
- Stuart Krasner
- Glenn Alcalay
- John Marelius
- Hector Vaquez
4th Row L-R
- Lani Waleters
- Marta Marcus
- Becky Angelovic
- Kris Brown
- Pam Riding
- Britta Sorenson
- Kathy Gordon
Janet Elliott
- Tina Hanson
- Sue Hahn
Pati Glass
Sandy Keller
- John Austin
5th Row L-R
- Susan Jones
- Maralee Cass
- Joel Hecht
- Margaret Einhorn
- Susan Fagery
- Bob Dye
- Brian Hale
- Bob Pressman
- Pete Levin
- John Mattes
- Kelly Shulenberger
- Heidi Englehorn
Graduating Students that are not in this picture: / Names of students
without a face:
Thanks to Janet Elliot for the photo and to Janet and Christina Hanson for the many names.